
Thursday, April 30, 2020

Coronavirus quarantining, Day 47, Thursday, April 30th, 2020

How to start a tutoring business

This Restaurant Posts Funny Signs Every Day to Lift People’s Spirits

Cat, Blackie, looking at his portrait by the marvelous Saul Steinberg

Odd things that make me laugh during quarantine, behold PotatoZilla

A Face Mask Vending Machine Has Appeared On The Lower East Side

With such similar sounding names, it can be confusing to understand the difference between N95 and KN95 masks. What are KN95 masks, and are they the same as N95 masks? This handy chart explains the differences between N95 and KN95 masks (and all characteristics that are the same).
In short, N95 masks are the US standards for respirator masks; KN95 masks are the Chinese standards for masks. These are the requirements that the US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health requires manufacturers to meet in order to label their masks as N95s. Despite the long list of differences, the two masks are equivalent or nearly equivalent on the features that most people care about.

COVID-19 Tracker: Yikes, 62,603 deaths by COVID-19 as of today in America. I suspect that number is likely double that with all the under reported deaths. But still the official number is horrible.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Coronavirus quarantining, Day 46, Wednesday, April 29th, 2020

oooh, I want to be friends with a raven so much!

I have feeding birds by hand envy watching these wonderful videos

I've stayed in a couple of them. Sadly, the hotels were marvelous but the 
people I stayed with at those hotels were truly awful.

In Puerto Rico
Old San Juan, Hotel El Convento was built in 1646 as a Carmelite convent, and is technically the oldest hotel in the Caribbean and the United States—at least as far as buildings go. The original architecture shines at Hotel El Convento, with mahogany-beamed ceilings, generous hallways and inner terraces, and a dramatic main entrance.


in Udaipur, India

The whims of young Prince Maharana Jagat Singh, who desired an island palace in the mid-18th century, resulted in one of the most unique and romantic stays in the world today—and the setting of the James Bond movie Octopussy. Lucky guests of Taj Lake Palace arrive by boat to this white marble palace in the middle of a lake for personalized service, access to a floating courtyard garden, and a once-in-a-lifetime experience that, history aside, is simply ethereal.

(via Fark)

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Coronavirus quarantining, Day 45, Tuesday, April 28th, 2020

Chapel Hill family's dog tests positive for coronavirus; first known case in a dog in the US

In loving memory of this wonderful person, Larry Tesler, who just died.

Creator of copy and paste command, Larry Tesler, dies aged 74

50 years off-grid: architect-maker paradise amid NorCal redwoods

1.27M subscribers


In 1968, Charles Bello and his wife, Vanna Rae, moved onto 240 acres of redwood forest looking to live a simpler life off the land. They had spent their savings to purchase the land so they got to work building their home themselves. Their first structure was a panelized A-frame that they erected in 5 days (with help from a couple family members). Total cost was $2,800. The property is a half-hour drive down a dirt road and it was bare land when they arrived so Charles and Vanna Rae built their own infrastructure: roads, bridges and went decades without refrigeration nor phone (they eventually installed PV panels and cabling for phone lines). After 15 years in the A-frame, they built a cabin in the woods and there they lived for a decade until the trees began to block out their views. In 1991 Charles (who once apprenticed under famed architect Richard Neutra) designed the Parabolic Glass House. With a curvilinear wood roof and two curved walls of windows, the home feels enveloped in trees. Charles and Vanna Rae built it for $8,500 with timber they milled themselves, using salvaged materials for everything from doorknobs to stoves. The couple relied on photovoltaics, solar thermal and gas for power and a dug-in greenhouse attached to the home provided much of their food. By canning and preserving, they could go for months without going to a grocery store. Their two boys were homeschooled. The couple supported themselves selling Christmas trees. Nearly all the old growth trees on the property were logged in the early 20th century, but Charles has spent the past half century restoring the land. He and his wife set up the Redwood Forest Institute in 1997 to manage and preserve the forest. He has carefully selected 1,000 trees to be preserved for 2 millenia as the next generation of old growth. Now, 87 years old and a widower, Charles is determined to find successors; he hopes to find three couples who want to settle on the property (currently worth about 4-6 million dollars) in exchange for continuing as stewards of the land. He is currently building glamping guest houses that he hopes will help fund the enterprise. His website now advertises “seeking caretaker ASAP”, someone “wanting to get away from it all and live a more simple down to earth lifestyle”.

Sometimes your inner Freddie must be expressed. I don't know where this took place, but the neighbors loved it. (via reddit)

When there's a lockdown and you want to break free [Queen parody - HD]

ouch, no fun

Monday, April 27, 2020

Coronavirus quarantining, Day 44, Monday, April 27th, 2020

previous epidemic masks on cats and dogs

Vicarious thrills

How beautiful

play on the word Isolation rock song by Johnny Depp

Epidemiologists warn there is no proof that antibody tests can show if someone who has been infected cannot be infected again.

There is no evidence that people who have recovered from coronavirus have immunity to the disease, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has said.


All the Common Baking Substitutes You'll Ever Need to Know

Patients with heart attacks, strokes and even appendicitis vanish from hospitals
“Everybody is frightened to come to the ER,” Puskas said.

MUSC, a major stroke center, averaged 550 calls per month over the past four months about possible stroke patients from the 45 to 50 emergency rooms that refer patients. But it has seen just 100 in the first half of April, said Alex Spiotta, director of neurovascular surgery. Phone calls from patients to MUSC’s telestroke program dropped from as many as 20 daily to about nine in mid-April.
“That’s literally patients and their families who fear that it’s dangerous” to go to the hospital, he said. “We are worried that there might be a higher death toll from neglect of other diseases” than from covid-19.

Brilliant and funny mini animation

How Countries Fight Their Wars

heh, enjoyed this more than expected

American Hedgehog Warrior: Course 3

tee hee, ancient computer history back in 1993

Komputer Kindergarten


This is a superb video. It makes so many excellent, sane, wise points, not just about the hydroxy 

med but about the impact of Trump's lies now having normalized Biden's pathological lying as well.

The Moment Trump Suddenly Realized Hydroxy Isn't Safe AT ALL

One of those things it is good to know about, what is the best dash cam for your car.
Get a dash cam if you haven't already. It'll save you so much trouble, and you'll be able to save awesome driving moments. Here's a guide on dash cams 

173-Pound Golden Retriever Loses Over 100 Pounds | The Dodo