The Most Annoyingly Cute Thing Ever
Cat toy force field
Greedy hamster Tom & Jerry
Inspiring Cara Black volley practice
What are these people made of, fairy bubbles or something?
Acrobatic 2010 Womens groups Russia
fun stockings hack
awww, look at those ears, those expressions and the curly tails
Came across this German auction site, called, and feel moved by other people's memories, their possessions, their histories. Here are a handful of the items. I loved
the German toys, especially the miniature stores for children. But here is an odd one, World War II Nazi and Hitler cigarette cards. Nazi cigarette cards?! Had to Google and sure enough,
they also sell them on eBay.
scraps of lace and trim that must have been part of somebody's sewing box |
Love this box, the burled veneer, the pretty key
And here are the toy miniature stores. Amazing details. |
This is basically the design of my tiny "spare" bedroom, except it's inside a room
the same dimensions as the furniture
banana dragon
World's oldest marathon runner, Fajua Singh, age 100
Just discovered
Spotify as a way to listen to music. It's excellent!
The Invisible Mother was a phrase used for a mother disguising herself with fabric, so that her child or children could be photographed. the results were unintentionally funny and sad at the same time.
‘This was a practice where the mother, often disguised or hiding, often under a spread, holds her baby tightly for the photographer to insure a sharply focused image.’
Inspiring: Before and after
Before and after
the art of Mississippi banks and stream channels
(right click on image and open in a new window to see full size)