Some beautiful images, photographs of Bali.
Here is a brief but interesting 1930's film, Legong: Dance of the Virgins
Setting the mood with a glimpse of the magic of the culture of Bali.
The Legong dance with young girls. A little about Legong.
This is a mesmerizing dance with gamelan music playing.
Understanding Balinese dance
This is an amazing Balinese dance, called Kecak. Also known as the Ramayana Monkey Chant, the piece, performed by a circle of 150 or more performers wearing checked cloth around their waists, percussively chanting "cak" and throwing up their arms, depicts a battle from theRamayana.
Balinese Legong dancer
For images of vintage Bali I went to the Tropenmuseum online collections, which are really marvelous.
One of the largest museums in Amsterdam, the museum accommodates eight permanent exhibitions and an ongoing series of temporary exhibitions, including both modern and traditional visual arts and photographic works. The Tropenmuseum is owned and operated by the Royal Tropical Institute, a foundation that sponsors the study of tropical cultures around the world.
Balinese Legong dancer
Balinese girls heading to
the temple with offerings |
Tropenmuseum, Balinese dancers, 1929
Memorial to Thomas Stamford Raffles wife Olivia, who died in Java 1814.Erected by him along theKanarielaan in Lands Plantentuin (now Bogor Botanical Gardens) inBuitenzorg (now Bogor),West Java.
Balinese dancers
Rice fields near Yogyakarta
A farmer who carries a plow on his shoulders, in the middle: cattle crossing a ditch / cooling of in the ditch.
Photo: O. Kurkdjian & Co. - 1890-1916
Fishermen at the beach
Photo: O. Kurkdjian & Co. - 1910
Balinese dancer
(Love the cat, sitting patiently.) Tropenmuseum, traditional selametan.
A Selametan in a mosque in Cibodas, with tumpeng as its main menu. ca. 1907. The slametan (or selametan, slamatan, and selamatan) is the communal feast from Java, symbolizing the social unity of those participating in it.
Kris dancers in a trance, 1949
Kris dancers all fallen down in a trance, 1930-1940
Kecak Dance, Bali
In tropical countries,
trees are often painted
with lime to protect them from "sun scald"
Below this are vintage photographs of the Dayak people, in Borneo
Tropenmuseum,Talini of Bawomataluwo in costume, unknown date
Tropenmuseum, "
A headhunter with a skull on his belt, which is used at parties to drink, a woman with a big blangai pot and behind them piles of killing festival Tiwah, Borneo"
A group of children and a husband with megaliths1930
A Dayak from Apokajanstam of Makulits with a shield and a spear, East Borneo. Unknown date.
Tropenmuseum, Icon in a Dayak village

Two Zaiwo male dancers with sword and shield, Sumba, 1930
Portrait of a Dayak warrier, 1900-1940
Batukaran village in Batak country, taken by Tassilo Adam.
Wandering around the
Oohing and ahhing at their wonderful online collections.
Indonesian textile, sarong
