Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Coronavirus quarantining, day 17, Tuesday, March 31st, 2020

This is how far back we have to put the swab to test you for #COVID19.

tee hee 
Important to exercise in quarantine

The viral load in this COVID-19 illness is meaningful to know about.

Viral dynamics in mild and severe cases of COVID-19

I'm not sure what that means. Maybe it means that the more contact with the virus a person has, the worse the illness is? 

Does a high viral load or infectious dose make covid-19 worse?

Does being exposed to more coronavirus particles mean you will develop a more severe illness? Rumours circulating on social media suggest that hospital workers or their household members exposed to a higher “viral load” become sicker than the general population. But emerging research indicates the relationship between infection and covid-19 severity may be more complex – and differ from that of other respiratory illnesses.

First of all, the way most people are tested right now is by putting a swab in the nasopharynx, which is the nose and the back upper part of the throat, and then looking for the viral genetic material. That’s the gold-standard test. But what’s really interesting is that the test isn’t necessarily positive or strong positive throughout the whole disease. That’s really important to know. Just because somebody is negative on that test, doesn’t mean they don’t have the disease. We’re making a lot of decisions on how to care for people, whether they should self-isolate, all of these things based on that test. It’s very important to figure out not only the viral load, but even how well these tests work to categorize someone as having the disease.

I looove culture mashups. This is a very interesting one.

I'm A Chinese Cowboy With A Southern Accent


Covidiots in NYC waiting to see the hospital ship. Wtf are they thinking???!!
awww, RIP, an interesting human being, who did a likable thing, walking every street in NYC
Curious, gregarious and inexhaustibly energetic, Mr. Helmreich was fearless in his study of human beings.  Via

The New York Nobody Knows with William Helmreich

Monday, March 30, 2020

Coronavirus quarantining, day 16, Monday, March 30th, 2020

ohhh, I needed to see this today, that baby is sooo tiny and the mum and dad so sweet 

Baby Giraffe meets dad for the first time

Universal mask-wearing is the most overlooked COVID-19 lifesaver

“It’s NOT just about protecting yourself directly from the virus (although it helps) ...it’s about reassuring others that you’re not infecting them or any surfaces they may touch.”

You might need live streaming puppies and kittens as soothing during these quarantine times. Here are some good ones: 


In the field where I used to play as a child.

Wuhan has seven Funeral Parlors: if it is calculated that each of them will distribute urns at the same rate as the one in Wuchang, it adds up to an estimated 45,500 urns for the city of Wuhan alone.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Coronavirus quarantining, day 15, Sunday, March 29th, 2020


Whoa. That is thorough.
This gives you an idea how many layers of protection doctors must protect themselves everyday from the corona virus.

'Stealth Transmission' of COVID-19 Demands Widespread Mask Usage

That naughty taughty. Via
Lovely practical compassion

Coronavirus: Sikhs prepare over 30,000 free meal packets for Americans in self-isolation

A good quarantune, warning, explicit

The video shows extensive damage and inflammation shown in yellow. A pair of healthy lungs would show no yellow areas at all. The patient now needs a ventilator to breathe and a separate machine to circulate and oxygenate his blood.

Dr. Mortman GWUH - Lung Damage from COVID-19

Podcast with video:

The George Washington University Hospital received its first COVID-19-positive patient on Wednesday, March 18, 2020. The man, in his late 50s, was transferred from another hospital after his initial symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath) quickly escalated. He was connected to a ventilator at that hospital, but eventually required a more-intensive intervention.
“What we’re seeing is that there was rapid and progressive damage to the lungs so that he needed higher levels of support from that ventilator and it got to the point where he needed maximal support from the ventilator,” said Dr. Keith Mortman, Chief of Thoracic Surgery at GW Hospital, in an interview for the hospital’s podcast, HealthCast. "That was when the outside hospital reached out to our expert team here at GW and the patient was transferred to us for something called ECMO, which stands for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.”
Madrid patients age 65+ now taken off respirators and sedated until death from lack of equipment

Madrid Hospitals Struggle to Handle Surge of Corona Patients

In Spain, the number of coronavirus deaths is climbing faster than in Italy. Dr. Inés Lipperheide is fighting to save her patients in an overcrowded intensive care unit. She reports conditions straight out of a "horror film."

Coronavirus patients spotted lying on floor at overrun Madrid hospital

Sobering yet practical and empowering advice from a NYC doctor on how to keep you and your family from getting COVID-19, and what to do if you do get sick.

Covid_19_Protecting_Your_Family_Dr_Dave_Price_3_22_2020 from Mariana Price on Vimeo.

tee hee
The sound of water compared to the sound of beer

Coffee Shop Uses Pulley To Follow Social Distancing Rules

Dylan's new epic song,

Bob Dylan - Murder Most Foul (Official Audio)

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Coronavirus quarantining, day 14, Saturday, March 28th, 2020

heh, love this

zomg, Etsy has tons of toilet paper earrings

Does anyone have a C-PAP machine to donate to any hospital? It seems that C-PAP machines can be used as respirators?

A terrifying look inside a NYC hospital, running out of everything needed to help patients with COVID-19. The refrigerated truck outside with the corpses of people who died of COVID-19.

Finally, some good Quarantunes are coming out. This is a nice one.

Ooh, another good quarantune

One Week of COVID 19 - Barenaked Ladies parody

Day two of lockdown; remembering the before time, in the long long ago. Via

...over 30,000 cases of #CoronaVirus in New York Via 3,805 (12%) are hospitalized and 888 (3%) patients are in ICU.
Meanwhile Gov Cuomo claims there is a shortage of ventilators (the state has 12,000) and beds (the state has 53,000 beds and 3,000 ICU beds)

The Cake Server | Joseph's Most Complex Machine Ever

Lovely kindness, consideration and generosity in Turkey. A restaurant giving away food.

wow, mountain lions returning to Boulder, Colorado in the lockdown Via

Why you need to leave your shoes OUTSIDE your house: Infectious disease specialists warn COVID-19 can survive on soles for up to five days - and reveal how to clean them properly

Friday, March 27, 2020

Coronavirus quarantining, day 13, Friday, March 27th, 2020

Practical idea for wearing a surgical mask, sewing buttons to a headband, to protect one's ears and get the fit that feels right

Yes! We will prevail!

Covid no more!

Holy Molecules, some coronavirus can live in a frozen atmosphere for up to 2 years! Crikey. But microwaving and heat are good.
damn the greedy bastards

Help Grocery Stores #FlattenTheCurve


Coronavirus: Mexicans demand crackdown on Americans crossing the border

oooh, a little pop culture bliss rush, 80s nostalgia

Waiting For A Star To Fall: A Tribute to 80's Entertainment