Monday, May 11, 2020

Coronavirus quarantining, Day 58, Monday, May 11th, 2020

Lennart Helje is a painter and illustrator who born in 1940 in Lima, Sweden.

The tree of the red birds by Lennart Helje

How cool is that

Copper’s Virus-Killing Powers Were Known Even to the Ancients

The SARS-CoV-2 virus endures for days on plastic or metal but disintegrates soon after landing on copper surfaces. Here’s why

Heavy metals including gold and silver are antibacterial, but copper’s specific atomic makeup gives it extra killing power, Keevil says. Copper has a free electron in its outer orbital shell of electrons that easily takes part in oxidation-reduction reactions (which also makes the metal a good conductor). As a result, Schmidt says, it becomes a “molecular oxygen grenade.” Silver and gold don’t have the free electron, so they are less reactive.
Copper kills in other ways as well, according to Keevil, who has published papers on the effect. When a microbe lands on copper, ions blast the pathogen like an onslaught of missiles, preventing cell respiration and punching holes in the cell membrane or viral coating and creating free radicals that accelerate the kill, especially on dry surfaces. Most importantly, the ions seek and destroy the DNA and RNA inside a bacteria or virus, preventing the mutations that create drug-resistant superbugs. “The properties never wear off, even if it tarnishes,” Schmidt says.
gee I love Randy Newman Randy Newman - Stay Away
aww, so charming
Naps from The Mercadantes on Vimeo.

tee hee

huh, tens of thousands of grackles in Houston swarm over a parking lot. Grackles like parking lots.
Grackles often congregate in large numbers before dawn or after sunset on tree branches, wires or roofs, in groups sometimes known as “annoyances.”

Doctors keep discovering new ways the coronavirus attacks the body

Damage to the kidneys, heart, brain — even ‘covid toes’ — 
prompts reassessment of the disease and how to treat it

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