Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Tuesday before Christmas 2011

*wipes tears of laughter. So enjoyed this. Via tykky

Merci! by Christine Rabette

Reminds me of my baby sister when we were kids

Puppy Christmas

the power of the wind in a tornado

who's there cat

Pacman Frog catch some touch screen bugs.

Man, oh man, the Republicans cannot stand the truth. It's grotesque:

Boehner’s office cuts off C-SPAN cameras as GOP takes verbal beating  -The non-partisan political network, produced as a courtesy by the nation’s cable operators, had said it wanted to offer a more “journalistic product,” but the speaker denied their request to place and operate more cameras.

House GOP Refuses to Allow Dem Whip to Speak on Floor & Offer Senate Compromise

59 year old woman who had never held a hockey stick in her life
gets the puck right in the hole and wins a $50,000 truck

Dubstep dancing on The Great Wall of China.

Afghani fruit vendor

Now the days are dark at 4:30pm, is the time of year I think a lot about swimming in the Caribbean Sea.

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