Ever had the urge to listen to Polynesian pop music? I think Paul Gauguin would have liked it, when he was in a cheerful mood. Pacific Islands Radio.
Paul Gaugauin, Self Portrait 1889
Abraham Lincoln looking windblown
I strongly recommend watching this PBS video, Boogie Man. It was life changing for me in understanding a lot of today's politics in america. Until recently, I had no idea the incredibly important impact one man had on american politics of the last 40 years, a man named Lee Atwater. He used a concept, created by a political strategist, called Harry Dent, called "the Southern Strategy", which is to frighten white voters, rich and working class into voting for Republicans because of the imagined fear that black Americans are gaining undue power or advantages. This strategy uses coded language to incite racism and fear, words or phrases like "Welfare queens" or, as Romney did, to repetitively mention the idea of Obama "giving things away for free", "free gifts".
Brilliantly said: He used his own cynicism to anesthetize people to what was going on. At the 4:12 point. "Lee" Atwater (February 27, 1951 – March 29, 1991) was an American political consultant and strategist to the Republican Party. He was an advisor of U.S. Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush and chairman of the Republican National Committee.
A gaspingly scary ride on a cliff hanging trail. But worth looking at. Get ready to sweat.
One mistake and it's a free fall to your death. Motology's Adam Riemann rides one of the scariest Himalayan trails you'll ever see.
Some weird international group exhibitionism going on here: No Pants Subway Ride 2012
Christmas is coming down the pike.
Henri Cartier Bresson, INDIA. Maharashtra. Bombay. 1947. An astrologer's shop in the mill workers' quarter of Parel.
Amazing jumping skills of this cat in Japan. Sheer determination.
Language speech cadence learned in utero: At 30:33
/// Street stone /// by Alexis Persani, via Behance
Pancake the kitten loves his Doberman
*wipes tears of laughter. Touching the electric fence
Chinese guy blowing 7 balls in and out of mouth
Fascinating the inability to get out of the rigid mindset of magical thinking.
Jesus wept … oh, it's bad plumbing. Indian rationalist targets 'miracles'
Sanal Edamaruku faces jail for revealing 'tears' trickling down a Mumbai church statue came from clogged drainage pipes
A Japanese craftsperson, Makaon, makes fun sculptures out of tin cans
We Make Carpets. Carpets made of unexpected things.
Fork carpet |
Fun birdhouses by Ethan Allen Smith
::: Ditology :::

Our Exquisite Corpse works with the Huichol people of Western Mexico to create these beaded skulls
Marvelous movies stills, many of them, and the actual places where they were filmed at Filmography
Marathon Man
The French Connection
The Professional
Things painted white at Brand Spirit