Friday, March 29, 2013

Easter weekend 2013

Su Ami is a group of five Vietnamese, who are knitters of micro and miniature creations. Their Etsy shop.
With the size of an actual finger:

Socrates (In The Form Of A 9-Year-Old) Shows Up In A Suburban Backyard In Washington Via These Birds of a Feather  on MetaFilter

Bunny Rabbit Storytime
and her website,

If your cat insists you get off the computer 

You can set cat traps like this.

When I listen to beatboxing (and this guy is *brilliant*) I end up watching the screen and making faces sympathetically.

Did you know there's a term for plastic bags snagged in tree branches? Witches' knickers.

Interesting culinary art

It's that time of year again.

Peeps kebabs

It's the bunny hop! Funny and cute. via Miss Cellania.

Malaysian grandfather sings Unchained Melody beautifully

Two guys in their 90s racing the 100 meter dash!

Love these fun ones by
Artist Hong Yi

The Enduring Allure of Vintage Snapshots

Love this. Sylvia Plath's children's book, 

The It Doesn't Matter Suit

Des Hommes et des Chatons Via MetaFilter

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